Sunday Worship 10:30 & 5:00

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Who is your current pastor?

Pastor Bernard has been married to his wife, Aimee, for 26 years.   Natives of Louisiana, they have three children.   A graduate of Baylor University, Pastor Bernard received his Master of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary in California.  The Lord called him to pastor Westminster PCA in Baton Rouge in 2015. 

When is the Lord's Supper celebrated and who may participate?

The Lord's Supper is typically celebrated the first Sunday of every month toward the end of morning worship.   We serve grape juice and communion crackers as elements, which are disseminated by releasing rows to come forward to receive the elements, after which we all partake together.  We welcome all Christians who are communing members in good standing of a Protestant, evangelical church to participate in the meal.   Covenant children who have not been received by elders as communing members of Christ's church upon personal profession of faith are to refrain from taking communion.   Those not participating in the Supper are encouraged to remain in their seat during Communion.   

How do I learn how to become a member of Westminster?

In keeping with our Reformed heritage, we hold to a high view of the visible church and membership therein, for the local church isn't a loose collection of religiously like-minded people.   We encourage anyone interested in membership to be a part of our Westminster Discovery Class, which is generally offered in the Fall and Spring (or as needed).   Speak with an elder if you are interested.  To learn more about the class, see our "Get Connected" page here.

 What are the demographics of your congregation?

Our church has a delightfully diverse demographic!   We come from varied backgrounds and cultures and our membership represents a wide age range.  We have a number of young families (in fact, many newborns!).  

Do you have handicap access into your building? 

Yes.  There are no steps outside or inside our facility, so handicap access should be no problem for you.   Also, our assembly hall is equipped with an extended-space area for wheelchairs.   Please notify us ahead of time if you would like to arrange for a deacon to assist you in getting from your vehicle into the building.