Our Theology of Worship
Westminster values the importance of all three contexts in which worship should take place for a Christian: personal, family, and corporate. Convinced by Scripture, we decidedly follow in the footsteps of the Reformation as we hold to the priority of public, corporate worship as the highest expression of Christian piety and as the primary method God has ordained for growing us in Christ and sustaining the unity of His Church. Summoned into His presence together - joined by the choir of angels and saints made perfect - we enjoy the privilege of intimately dialoguing with the King through the elements His Word has regulated for our worship. In this context, we have access especially to His ordinary means of grace in our life: the official proclamation of His Word audibly through preaching & the reception of His Word visibly through the sacraments. Biblical worship necessarily produces in the worshiper a sense of weight and joy & gravity and gladness in the presence of our holy and loving Father.
Our Practice of Worship
In a broad sense, “liturgy” is simply the order of worship in a public service. Thus, every church possesses a liturgy, even if it is an unintentional one. Drawing from our rich liturgical heritage, Westminster seeks to be deliberate with every movement of worship, intentionally having the liturgy reflect our theology of worship. God’s Word permeates the service as the Word is sung, confessed, preached, prayed, and seen (via sacraments). With His voice opening and closing the dialogue of worship in the Call to Worship and Benediction, we aim to have our worship service marked by simplicity and order, which we believe is honoring to God. It is our desire to honor the Lord’s Day, or Christian Sabbath, by delighting in its intended profit for our souls, which is why we bracket the Lord’s Day with both morning and evening worship. You may see a sample copy of our regular worship bulletin here, and a sample copy of our bulletin when the Lord's Supper is celebrated here. If you wish to know how the Lord's Supper is conducted and who may participate, click here.